Passover, or what some of my friends call the last supper, was special this year. This was our first Passover meal in our own home. We still went to a Passover seder at our friends, Adrienne and Kenny's home where we celebrated Passover for the first time ever last year. This year I also had a Passover meal with the kids at the church. It was such a good feeling to share what I had learned over the past year with many children I had taught in Sunday school over the last few years.
We talked about the names of Jesus and how we call him the Lamb of God. I then told them the story of all those who obeyed God in Egypt. They put the blood on their doorposts and were saved from death that night. I reminded them how important it is to obey his commands even when we do not fully understand.
Obedience was hard for the Israelites, just as it is hard for us sometimes but as we draw near to him, he draws near to us. James 4:8
Jesus took bread and when he broke it said, "do this in rememberance of me."
He also took the cup after supper and said, "this is the new covenant".
Matthew 26:26 - 1Corinthians 11
Paul teaches about this and how we are to keep the Passover just as Jesus instructed us to remember him at this time. These are pretty clear instructions, not to mention that we were commanded to keep this day and teach it to our children in Leviticus 23.
This is one of the few references to children in the Bible, so I take it pretty serious when I consider what I teach our children.
With this instruction we decided to obey in our home.
The children now understand the story of the Exodus as well as how Jesus is the Lamb of God.